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1. How can I place an order? To place an order, follow these steps:
2. How are orders confirmed? Customers need to enter a verification code after placing an order for instant confirmation.
3. What if I forget to enter the verification code for order confirmation? Our customer support team will make three call attempts to confirm the order if the verification code is not entered.
4. What do the order statuses refer to?
5. What are the benefits of ordering through an account?
6. Can I modify the order? Unfortunately, orders cannot be modified once they've been placed.
7. Can I exchange the article I ordered online at any outlet? No, online orders can only be exchanged within 7 days of purchase online.
8. What payment options do I have? Cash on Delivery (COD), Online Payment, Easy Pay.
9. Is COD available internationally? No, COD is only available within Pakistan.
10. What is store credit? Store credit is the balance credited to your account for canceled or out-of-stock orders, redeemable in your next purchase.
11. How do I redeem my store credit in the next online purchase? Log into your account, select items, check "Apply store credit" at checkout, and it will be automatically redeemed.
12. What if I forget my account password? Use the "Forgot Password" option on our website to reset it.
13. Can I open the parcel/order at the time of delivery? No, parcels/orders cannot be opened until payment is received.
14. Can orders be gift wrapped or come in a Sheen by Shaista Lodhi shopping bag? Currently, we do not offer gift wrapping or branded shopping bags for online orders.
For further inquiries, feel free to contact us at info@sheenbyshaistalodhi.com.